#campcore + 1981-Vacation-Core are the Summer wardrobe themes you didn’t know you needed

And so, it has happened. I have neglected my blog.
Here’s a recap of what I’ve been doing for the past forever (couple of months) :

I finished Gilmore Girls and I gotta tell ya, I was so glad to finally be done. Rory is cringe, Lorelai is a pest, Luke is too macho for Macho Man Randy Savage, and I just… needed some time to cope with these feelings. I think that’s all I’m going to say about it. Oh, actually, I will say that they were somehow able to pull off the terrible 2000s trends in a way that I caught myself almost pining for low-rise jeans again. Oof.

I’ve been trying to conceptualize what my go-to summer fashion feeling is, and what’s been on my mind the most is camping fashion (or #campcore as I guess I’m going to call it in these times) and 1981-vacation-mode.

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For reference, anything Meryl Streep wears in 1994’s The River Wild is a perfect example of #campcore.

Sure, the camp shorts and crop top are an easy pajama-chic summer style, but with that hat? I’ll take the lot!

So, in doing some “research” (i.e. watching movies while I edit photos,) I came across 1981’s The Four Seasons, in which three couples vacation together over the course of a year during each season. It stars Alan Alda (hot,) Carol Burnett (also hot in a laid back way,) and some old timers who remind me of my relatives and I’m sure were supes famous in their day.

Is 1981-vacation-mode my vibe, too? Yeah. And, more importantly: does one person have the mental capacity to carry the burden of two themed outfit aesthetics for one summer and possibly through fall? Also yes!

It’s honestly so hard to find stills from this movie, so here’s the full daggum trailer. You get the idea.

It’s honestly so hard to find stills from this movie, so here’s the full daggum trailer. You get the idea.

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Here we have a light

weight cotton oxford, which is kind of the perfect blend of both #campcore and 1981 vacation core, tbh.

Best worn open to flap in the breeze.

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To me, this is peak 1981-vacation-mode. It screams it, actually. Everyone spoke loudly in 1981, I bet.

I like this closed more than open, but it works both ways.

Last of the vibe mixing.

This is * technically * a man’s shirt, but tie it up and wear it out, honey! Also what even is a man??? Goes well with a vintage camping stool and a retro cooler.

Is this the update you wanted?? Are you pleased to learn that this is how my brain works?? Did you learn about a new genre of basic clothing items???

I hope you’ve answered yes to all of the above. Follow along for more sporadic, thematic critical closet thinking sessions and go ahead and set aside some time to watch both of those movies. You can find them on Netflix and Hulu, respectively.


Only read this if you enjoy rambling and inconsistent blog posting :)


The Year 2000: a love story - or - Surprise, it’s the Gilmore Girls