It’s Vince Guaraldi Trio Season

Hello and welcome to December at Crying Weasel Vintage! “LOL. WHAT. DECEMBER?” is what many of you are probably saying to yourself as you read this. Yes, it’s true. We’re almost done with this year and honestly good riddance! JK JK.
I’d like to take a min to say THANK YOU for continuing to support this shop, especially in the wake of our move to the new location! Seriously, thank you a LOT.
Also— a lot of folks have contacted me about purchasing vintage clothing and to that I say “YES!!”* I’m putting an asterisk because I am currently chock-a-block full of clothing and won’t be purchasing more until February 2024. Here’s the link if you want to get in contact about that (in February) and schedule a buying appointment (in February)!


I guess I’m doing the thing where I assign myself the task of putting together a list, or whatever, of things that are inspiring me. Honestly, I’m just thinking about what kind of items I want to go hunting for to have in the shop. My method/scattered thought process usually goes like this: “what shop section needs some sprucing? What has been drawing my eye lately? What do I feel motivated to make myself? CANDLES?!”

I am (always) hoping to find more vests! I feel like vests are kind of the moment. And I’m talking sweater vests, denim vests, tapestry vests, cat vests, etc. Basically, if you can think of it, I want it in here and I want it in here NOW!

Look at how happy these swingers* are in their vests.

*that’s just an assumption.

Plaid skirts! Preferrably maxi or accordion pleated.

And they don’t even have to be plaid if they’re accordion pleated. This has been on my mind since last year and I keep forgetting to look for them. Probably because I never take the time to write out an actual list and I end up just getting lost in the matrix of finding other cool…stuff. Here’s to trying again!


This one’s kind of obvious, because who doesn’t want more denim? I am always looking. Alllwaaayyyys looking. Also, military pants and jackets. Really hoping to find some of those but not going to include a photo because it’s feeling a little excessive already.

PLEASE do let me know what else you’d like me to keep an eye out for! 🖤

P.S. Yes, I am making candles out of vintage vessels again. And, yes, they do smell!

Coming Up…

We have some kewl events coming up this month! Like most weekends feature some kind of artist, or I’ll be taking part in some kinda of KEWL market.

Hillcrest Shop and Sip ft. Crow + Arrow Shop and Slugknives!
December 7th, 5pm to 8pm

It’s the last Shop and Sip of the year and we are trying to have a little mini holiday shindig! Slugknives is Little Rock multimedia artist Jenna Jones and her creature creations (also, corn dogs!) and Crow and Arrow Shop is natural jewelry by Jessica Kirkpatrick! There will probably be some kind of refreshments, alcoholic and non, and we will definitely be having a fire in the ol’ pit.

The Lint Factory
December 9th, 11am to 5pm

Hailing from Northwest Arkansas, The Lint Factory is a new shop by Molly of Pluck Threads, and Madelyn of Golden Hour Vintage featuring vintage and handmade/upcycled clothing. We’re so excited to host them, especially since we were lucky enough to be Pluck Threads’ first pop up ever!!

Holly Jolly Vintage Market + Karaoke Night
@ Meantime Studio
2201 W Markham St
Little Rock, AR 72205
December 16th, 2pm to 8pm

This right here is a pop-up market we are real jazzed to be a part of! There’ll be vintage/upcycled clothes: you got your Crying Weasels, your Little Vagabonds, your Dog Eat Dogs, and your Wig Dog Presses! Also! Snacks and bevs. We are going to do a little karaoke party starting around 8p so .. might wanna check out this playlist I made for song inspo.


Why do I want to dress as a middle-aged man this fall?