Only read this if you enjoy rambling and inconsistent blog posting :)

Oh my god, it’s been a year. Get ready for an anti-blog post blog post. Hehehehe.

Let’s do some free-form writing:

  1. It’s so hot outside that getting dressed is so hard.

  2. Why am I so into a drop-waist and pleats right now?

  3. Why don’t I live in a place like Maine where the summers are bearable? Because the winters “aren’t” bearable?? I think I could bear them. With layers.

  4. I wish that Y2K stopped at the year 2001. Today I saw a photo of a Hot-Topic ca. 2005 outfit and I cringed and caught myself mid “I didn’t like that when it was new” thought. OOF.

  5. Vintage (in tact) denim is becoming increasingly hard to find. Guess I need to learn how to patch ‘em up already.

  6. I re-watched “Look Who’s Talking” this week and have a new appreciation for 1987 fashion. Specifically Kirstie Alley’s looks in the entire movie. Like…I’m legit inspired.

OK that was nice. Juices are starting to flow. They’re just, like, dripping.

I still agree with my last post about the 1981 summer aesthetic being primo, FYI.

Also, and I promise I won’t do this too often, please let me know iN tHe CoMmEnTs what’s happening in fashion that is inspiring you right now. Or even, what in your daily life is inspiring your personal style?

K, bye!


Why do I want to dress as a middle-aged man this fall?


#campcore + 1981-Vacation-Core are the Summer wardrobe themes you didn’t know you needed